Thursday, March 11, 2010

Lock Your Car Doors, Friends.

So I have never locked Big Bertha's doors. Ever. I've had her for 5 or 6 years now, and she's a cutie, but honestly, no one would steal that hunk o' junk. She has manual windows, locks, the works. So I'm lazy and just...don't lock the doors. It's easier.

Well last night, I learned a valuable lesson on why NOT to do that anymore. And this is how...

I took my baby sister out to dinner at Outback. We had a nice meal then wondered to the other side of the shopping center, and I treated Kelly to a little eyebrow waxing. No big deal.

So we mozy on back my car...there it is! We're chatting, etc...then we open the doors, and sit in our respective seats.

Why does my car wreak of cigarettes?

Why are there tissues everywhere?

Why is the bedding in the back seat?

This is not my car.


I sat in someone else's car, without their knowing. And it was dirty. And it felt so wrong.

Then I kept thinking...who has accidently sat in my unlocked car? How many times has that happened to poor Big Bertha? How many times has she been violated in such a way?

With that, I made a vow to always lock my car.

Except in my driveway. Because I came home and nay locked my doors.

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